Until Oracle Database 12c, Oracle processes did not run as threads on UNIX and Linux systems. Every dedicated connection was represented by an operating system process and, in systems where high workload was an issue, the only way to reduce CPU and memory usage was to switch from dedicated connections to shared connections using the multithreaded server (MTS) feature.

Starting in Oracle Database 12c the multithreaded database model was introduced, enabling database processes to be executed as operating system threads and reducing the number of dedicated process necessary to manage database services. This new feature is an excellent tool to implement in database environments that are severely limited in CPU and RAM resources.

By default, every new 12c instance is created to be run in process mode. So, this means that you must update your database instance setup accordingly in order to switch from PROCESS mode to THREAD mode.

Let’s verify our current database configuration. Login as a DBA account and execute the following command:

SQL> show parameter threaded

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- -------
threaded_execution                   boolean     FALSE

The current state is “FALSE” as expected.

Now, let’s collect some data before we switch from PROCESS to THREAD mode.

Execute the following command in order to obtain the total running processes that belongs to a given database instance (in this example we will using “db02″ as SID, change this definition according your instance name):

[oracle@ora12c ~]$ ps -ef |grep ora_ |grep _db02 |wc -l

In this environment, 40 operating system processes are currently running. Your process list would be similar to:

[oracle@ora12c ~]$ ps -ef |grep ora_ |grep _db02
oracle    7866     1  0 14:28 ?        00:00:01 ora_pmon_db02
oracle    7868     1  0 14:28 ?        00:00:06 ora_psp0_db02
oracle    7876     1 17 14:28 ?        00:15:52 ora_vktm_db02
oracle    7880     1  0 14:28 ?        00:00:01 ora_gen0_db02
oracle    7882     1  0 14:28 ?        00:00:03 ora_mman_db02
oracle   29084     1  0 15:59 ?        00:00:00 ora_j000_db02
oracle   29086     1  0 15:59 ?        00:00:00 ora_j001_db02
oracle   29184     1  0 16:00 ?        00:00:00 ora_j002_db02

We can list current database sessions and verify their corresponding execution types, query V$PROCESS catalog view by executing the following command:

SQL> set linesize 200
SQL> set pagesize 50
SQL> col spid format a5
SQL> col pname format a5
SQL> col program format a35
SQL> col execution format a10
SQL> SELECT spid, stid, pname, program, execution_type
 2     FROM v$process
 3    ORDER BY execution_type, pname, program;

SPID  STID  PNAME PROGRAM                             EXECUTION_
----- ----- ----- ----------------------------------- ----------
                  PSEUDO                              NONE
8100  8100  AQPC  oracle@ora12c.node.com (AQPC)       PROCESS
8156  8156  CJQ0  oracle@ora12c.node.com (CJQ0)       PROCESS
7905  7905  CKPT  oracle@ora12c.node.com (CKPT)       PROCESS
7934  7934  D000  oracle@ora12c.node.com (D000)       PROCESS
7888  7888  DBRM  oracle@ora12c.node.com (DBRM)       PROCESS
7897  7897  DBW0  oracle@ora12c.node.com (DBW0)       PROCESS
7895  7895  DIA0  oracle@ora12c.node.com (DIA0)       PROCESS
7886  7886  DIAG  oracle@ora12c.node.com (DIAG)       PROCESS
7880  7880  GEN0  oracle@ora12c.node.com (GEN0)       PROCESS
7907  7907  LG00  oracle@ora12c.node.com (LG00)       PROCESS
7912  7912  LG01  oracle@ora12c.node.com (LG01)       PROCESS
7899  7899  LGWR  oracle@ora12c.node.com (LGWR)       PROCESS
7920  7920  LREG  oracle@ora12c.node.com (LREG)       PROCESS
7882  7882  MMAN  oracle@ora12c.node.com (MMAN)       PROCESS
7932  7932  MMNL  oracle@ora12c.node.com (MMNL)       PROCESS
7927  7927  MMON  oracle@ora12c.node.com (MMON)       PROCESS
7997  7997  P000  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P000)       PROCESS
7999  7999  P001  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P001)       PROCESS
8158  8158  P002  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P002)       PROCESS
8160  8160  P003  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P003)       PROCESS
8162  8162  P004  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P004)       PROCESS
8164  8164  P005  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P005)       PROCESS
8166  8166  P006  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P006)       PROCESS
8171  8171  P007  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P007)       PROCESS
7866  7866  PMON  oracle@ora12c.node.com (PMON)       PROCESS
7868  7868  PSP0  oracle@ora12c.node.com (PSP0)       PROCESS
7923  7923  PXMN  oracle@ora12c.node.com (PXMN)       PROCESS
8145  8145  Q002  oracle@ora12c.node.com (Q002)       PROCESS
8149  8149  Q003  oracle@ora12c.node.com (Q003)       PROCESS
8140  8140  QM02  oracle@ora12c.node.com (QM02)       PROCESS
7918  7918  RECO  oracle@ora12c.node.com (RECO)       PROCESS
7936  7936  S000  oracle@ora12c.node.com (S000)       PROCESS
8048  8048  SMCO  oracle@ora12c.node.com (SMCO)       PROCESS
7910  7910  SMON  oracle@ora12c.node.com (SMON)       PROCESS
8007  8007  TMON  oracle@ora12c.node.com (TMON)       PROCESS
8021  8021  TT00  oracle@ora12c.node.com (TT00)       PROCESS
7890  7890  VKRM  oracle@ora12c.node.com (VKRM)       PROCESS
7876  7876  VKTM  oracle@ora12c.node.com (VKTM)       PROCESS
12587 12587 W002  oracle@ora12c.node.com (W002)       PROCESS
12516 12516 W003  oracle@ora12c.node.com (W003)       PROCESS
13292 13292       oracle@ora12c.node.com (TNS V1-V3)  PROCESS

42 rows selected.

Note that all database programs are running in PROCESS mode.

The STID column represents the operating system thread identifier. When the Oracle multiprocess/multithread feature is enabled, RDBMS processes are mapped to threads running in operating system processes, and the SPID and STID together uniquely identify an RDBMS process.

If you are running your database on a Linux system, then you can obtain your current database memory utilization by executing the following command:

$ ps aux |grep ora_ |grep -v grep |awk '{ SUM += $6 } END { print SUM/1024 }'

In this example, our database instance has 1500 MB of resident set size (RSS) memory utilization.

Let’s change our database instance configuration by enabling thread mode and then restarting the instance:

SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET threaded_execution=true SCOPE=spfile;

System altered.

Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 2634022912 bytes
Fixed Size                  2927864 bytes
Variable Size            1560281864 bytes
Database Buffers         1056964608 bytes
Redo Buffers               13848576 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.

Important: Thread mode does not allow “”conn / as sysdba” connections. If you try to connect using this method you will obtain an error message like the following:

SQL> conn / as sysdba
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

Instead, login to database instance using the following command (or using any other SYSDBA account):

SQL> conn sys as sysdba
Enter password:

Let’s query v$process catalog view again:

SQL> set linesize 200
SQL> set pagesize 50
SQL> col spid format a5
SQL> col stid format a5
SQL> col pname format a5
SQL> col program format a35
SQL> col execution format a10
SQL> SELECT spid, stid, pname, program, execution_type
 2     FROM v$process
 3    ORDER BY execution_type, pname, program;

SPID  STID  PNAME PROGRAM                             EXECUTION_
----- ----- ----- ----------------------------------- ----------
                  PSEUDO                              NONE
19520 19520 DBW0  oracle@ora12c.node.com (DBW0)       PROCESS
19497 19497 PMON  oracle@ora12c.node.com (PMON)       PROCESS
19499 19499 PSP0  oracle@ora12c.node.com (PSP0)       PROCESS
19503 19503 VKTM  oracle@ora12c.node.com (VKTM)       PROCESS
19513 19574 AQPC  oracle@ora12c.node.com (AQPC)       THREAD
19513 19596 CJQ0  oracle@ora12c.node.com (CJQ0)       THREAD
19507 19522 CKPT  oracle@ora12c.node.com (CKPT)       THREAD
19513 19532 D000  oracle@ora12c.node.com (D000)       THREAD
19507 19516 DBRM  oracle@ora12c.node.com (DBRM)       THREAD
19513 19518 DIA0  oracle@ora12c.node.com (DIA0)       THREAD
19513 19515 DIAG  oracle@ora12c.node.com (DIAG)       THREAD
19507 19509 GEN0  oracle@ora12c.node.com (GEN0)       THREAD
19507 19523 LG00  oracle@ora12c.node.com (LG00)       THREAD
19507 19525 LG01  oracle@ora12c.node.com (LG01)       THREAD
19507 19521 LGWR  oracle@ora12c.node.com (LGWR)       THREAD
19507 19528 LREG  oracle@ora12c.node.com (LREG)       THREAD
19507 19510 MMAN  oracle@ora12c.node.com (MMAN)       THREAD
19513 19531 MMNL  oracle@ora12c.node.com (MMNL)       THREAD
19513 19530 MMON  oracle@ora12c.node.com (MMON)       THREAD
19513 19534 N000  oracle@ora12c.node.com (N000)       THREAD
19513 19588 P000  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P000)       THREAD
19513 19589 P001  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P001)       THREAD
19513 19590 P002  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P002)       THREAD
19513 19591 P003  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P003)       THREAD
19513 19592 P004  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P004)       THREAD
19513 19593 P005  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P005)       THREAD
19513 19594 P006  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P006)       THREAD
19513 19595 P007  oracle@ora12c.node.com (P007)       THREAD
19513 19529 PXMN  oracle@ora12c.node.com (PXMN)       THREAD
19513 19602 Q002  oracle@ora12c.node.com (Q002)       THREAD
19513 19603 Q003  oracle@ora12c.node.com (Q003)       THREAD
19513 19600 QM02  oracle@ora12c.node.com (QM02)       THREAD
19513 19527 RECO  oracle@ora12c.node.com (RECO)       THREAD
19513 19533 S000  oracle@ora12c.node.com (S000)       THREAD
19513 19513 SCMN  oracle@ora12c.node.com (SCMN)       THREAD
19507 19507 SCMN  oracle@ora12c.node.com (SCMN)       THREAD
19513 19561 SMCO  oracle@ora12c.node.com (SMCO)       THREAD
19507 19524 SMON  oracle@ora12c.node.com (SMON)       THREAD
19513 19551 TMON  oracle@ora12c.node.com (TMON)       THREAD
19513 19552 TT00  oracle@ora12c.node.com (TT00)       THREAD
19513 19517 VKRM  oracle@ora12c.node.com (VKRM)       THREAD
19513 19562 W000  oracle@ora12c.node.com (W000)       THREAD
19513 19563 W001  oracle@ora12c.node.com (W001)       THREAD
19513 19550       oracle@ora12c.node.com              THREAD

45 rows selected.

As expected, almost all programs are running in THREAD mode instead of PROCESS mode (only 4 programs remains running under the PROCESS mode)

Now, let’s verify how many database instance process are running:

[oracle@ora12c ~]$ ps -ef |grep ora_ |grep _db02
oracle   19497     1  0 14:12 ?        00:00:00 ora_pmon_db02
oracle   19499     1  0 14:12 ?        00:00:00 ora_psp0_db02
oracle   19503     1  7 14:12 ?        00:00:26 ora_vktm_db02
oracle   19507     1  0 14:12 ?        00:00:02 ora_u004_db02
oracle   19513     1  3 14:12 ?        00:00:13 ora_u005_db02
oracle   19520     1  0 14:12 ?        00:00:00 ora_dbw0_db02

Note that we have just 6 operating system processes currently running!

In a future post we will address how to manage database connections from client applications in order to improve their performance using THREAD mode database architecture.

Link to script that contains the examples in this post.
